Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flashback Friday: Makeup look 01

I was perusing through my old photos and realized that I have a lot of fun old make-up pictures I can share with you all! I have decided to do this for my Flashback Fridays! Let me know what you think!

So I wanted to just share one fun look every friday so here is my all time fave and fun look that I did almost two years ago:

Shisa Dog face paint.
What I used:
  • Face paint for all shades of blue (I don't remember the brand, but I do remember I just bought this  $4.00 face paint set in some art store in CA. hahaha!)
  • Black eyeliner (Black Heart liquid liner from Hot Topic) for all the black on the face
  • NYX jumbo eye pencil in milk for all parts that are white.
That's it! Have a great Friday everyone!


  1. This is awesome!
    You're so talented with makeup :)

    And I saw on your G+ profile that you're in slc?

    1. Thank you, gorgeous! :) I'm actually stationed at Hill AFB, but close enough. lol Are you living in SLC?

  2. This looks amazing!
    you should do more of these crazy makeup looks you're great!

    1. Thank you very much! I have more old pictures that I will post every friday! ;) Thank you for the compliment!
