Monday, March 24, 2014


Helloo! It has been a while! Life just keeps getting busier and busier for me! x__x I haven't been doing anything but working, so my hobbies have been pushed to the side! I have bought quite a few things since my last post though! My next blog will be about this:

I know it has been out for a while now, but I wanted to talk about this! I have been so loyal sticking to the Revon Photoready foundation, but I am starting to get tired of it! It's just not looking good on me. I don't mind the color so much. I mean to me, I can tell there is a bit pink tone to the foundation so it does not match me perfect, but how often are you going to find a perfect match? And it just hasn't been looking good on me! I don't think it has been anyways.

That's it as far as an update goes. It's not much of an update. I've just been so busy, haha! I have other items that I want to share when I have the time!

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