Monday, January 20, 2014

Late Night Munchies!

I decided to bake something new tonight! I have the late night munchies so this is what I baked:

Cranberry Chocolate Bread!

It wasn't as flavorful as I liked. Still good though. 

I took a big piece. LOL

To lock in the moisture, I just cover it with aluminum foil and then I put the cover on top as well.

nom nom!

I feel like I didn't add enough cranberries. I didn't have a lot to begin with. Next time I will add more. I feel like this would be amazing in banana bread though! I will try that next time since I have some bananas ripening right now! Maybe next weekend I will make it! :) 

Ugh, My toe is in so much pain. It is throbbing right now! Trying to relax right now. Need to take my medication and then go to sleep!

I love this candle one of my friends gave me for Christmas. :)

It's almost out! I'm surprised at how long it has lasted today! I had it on for several hours! Lovely light though. 

Time for bed. Hopefully, I have a relaxing day tomorrow! I hope I do not have to go to work! My foot is still painful! :'(

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