Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Adventure pt 1

My Saturday Adventure hasn't started yet. :'(

I am still waiting for this lady to hit me up! ugh! She said it wouldn't take long because her husband was coming home soon, but it's been THREE hours already! She should've told me he gets off at like four or whatever so that I wouldn't be sitting here wondering and waiting! ugh!

But anyways, thought I'd put a post up on me getting ready. This is my face this afternoon (since I got up at noon to get ready).

Before the makeup. I have gotten to pale, btw! And as you can see, I have some scars on my cheeks. And my hair ain't cute. LOL

Full face on, ready to go!

I think I clean up pretty well! haha Maybe I should add what makeup I used in this as well. I didn't think about it until now. If anyone is interested, I will! Or I might just add it up anyways just because I can. :p

Selfies before I munch on my pork roast!

MMMMMM! It was bomb! I'm going to have another bowl in a little bit! Had it with white and brown rice. I cooked it on low for about 9 hours total. I had to set an alarm this morning to get up and turn it off at around 5 a.m.!

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